Day 52: The Communication Domain

The communication domain is the developmental area that deals with understanding language and using language. Parents of young children sometimes find themselves confused about their child’s speech development:

  • Why is my child a late talker?

  • If the pediatrician isn’t worried, why should I be?

  • Maybe my child is just shy.

  • Which device will help my child communicate her needs?

  • How can I help my child’s social skills delay?

  • Should my child have a diagnosis?

  • Will my child catch up developmentally on her own?

  • Does my child need more speech therapy versus behavioral therapy?

  • Is a social pragmatic communication disorder different from an autism spectrum disorder?

  • Should my child attend an integrated, inclusion setting or a self-contained classroom?

As a parent and longtime special needs attorney, I understand all of these concerns. That’s why I’m excited to co-host a live, virtual conversation with Midtown Speech NYC. We’ll be discussing the value of independent educational evaluations and seeking appropriate educational settings. Our talk will take place via Zoom next Wednesday, June 3rd from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm. RSVP now to for the login information.

We look forward to seeing you then!


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