Earmarked Funding for Pandemic Learning Loss

In September 2021, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli issued a report titled “Disruption to Special Education Services: Closing the Gap on Learning Loss from Covid-19”, found here: https://www.osc.state.ny.us/files/reports/pdf/special-education-report.pdf . In his report, Comptroller DiNapoli urges districts to consider approaches for prioritizing spending State and federal aid on special education programs and related services.

One of New York State’s top priorities for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding is mitigating learning loss and closing performance gaps for students most impacted by the Covid-19 shutdown.

Is your child facing one or more of the following issues?

  • Backlog in evaluations

  • Lack of positive behavioral intervention

  • Insufficient mental health services

  • Inadequate preparation for post-high school life

  • Student discipline and interrupted learning

Complete our Contact Form at https://www.msrlegal.org/book-your-consultation for an initial consultation by email, and follow us on Instagram (@MSRLegalConsulting ), Twitter (@MSRLegalOroma ), and YouTube (MSR Legal Oroma) for analyses of the latest updates in educational policy impacting special needs students.

Enjoy the week ahead,


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