Day 2: Insurance-based services versus Special education

Today’s reflection focuses on insurance-based services versus special education supports. If your child has continued to receive insurance-based home services during this pandemic, you probably consider your child (and yourself) to be quite lucky. After all, getting some services is better than receiving no services at all. Although insurance-based services are separate and distinct from special education, you may have found that using both in tandem are likely to lead to improved outcomes. I bet it would be hard for you to choose which service was more essential than the other. That’s because each is equally necessary to your child’s overall development.

So, what happens when a necessary, essential service is no longer available, as is the case right now during the coronavirus outbreak?

As an experienced special education attorney and a parent, I love to work with families to brainstorm ways in which to enforce their child’s special education rights. During this period of mandatory home schooling, I'm offering affordable file reviews and hour-long consultations via videoconferencing with a variety of platforms available. It’s important to explore your options now, so that you can hit the ground running with integrating your child back into the school, when the time comes.

Book your consultation here:

In the meantime, please stay safe,

Oroma Mpi-Reynolds, Esq.

Founder, MSR Legal & Consulting Services, PLLC



Mobile:  (516) 725-5514

Disclaimer: Attorney advertising. None of the content on this blog is intended as or constitutes legal advice, nor does it indicate an intention or commitment to represent any particular parent.