Day 21: Your Child's 12-month IEP

What will extended school year programs and services look like this summer if the schools remain closed?

That question has yet to be answered by the New York City Department of Education following its announcement over the weekend of school closures through the end of June. Although there was mention of schools reopening in September, parents were left with no information to guide them about summer programming.

Under the Commissioner’s Regulations, certain categories of special education students automatically qualify for a 12-month extended school year program. Other students, however, are eligible for 12-month instruction and/or related services based on a careful analysis of the child’s propensity to regress or inability to maintain the skills attained by the end of the regular 10-month school year.

If you think your child needs an extended school year program of instruction and/or related services in order to make progress, book a consultation on my website: And, continue to follow me @msrlegalconsulting on Instagram as I post the latest updates on special needs parenting in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Until tomorrow, be well,


Disclaimer:  Attorney advertising.  None of the content on this blog is intended as or constitutes legal advice, nor does it indicate an intention or commitment to represent any particular parent.