Day 54: A Difficult Week for America

It’s hard to say, ‘Happy Friday’, today and actually mean it. So much of America is gripped with grief, fear, and anguish after the course of events that transpired over the past few days. As an attorney, I am professionally trained to utilize and trust the legal system to effectuate justice. But as a mom, searching for answers to my daughter’s questions, I’m only reminded that our country has a long way to go towards unity.

In the midst of our nation’s despair right now, I have never been prouder of my work as a social justice advocate. I represent individuals who have been, or would otherwise be, marginalized by our public education institutions.

See you Sunday at the National Town Hall on F.A.P.E. Advocacy, 1:00 pm Eastern at My presentation on New York will take place during the second hour beginning at 2:15 pm.


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