Revised Mask Mandates for New York Day Cares

In a joint statement on Monday, May 24, 2021, New York State’s Office of Children & Family Services and the Department of Health revised mask mandates for children aged two through five who participate in child care programs, including day cares and summer camps. See

Before this latest update, children within the age range of two and five were required to wear masks in these settings. Now, masks are no longer required, but are still encouraged.

As school districts across the State and country prepare for a return to full-time in-person learning this fall, the question remains— will districts require masks for enrolled toddlers and kindergarteners? What if your child’s disability prevents him or her from wearing a mask or keeping it on during the school day? Will your child be permitted on the school bus without a mask?

MSR Legal is here to answer your questions regarding updated mask mandates as well as navigating a post-Covid educational system. For example, you may be a parent whose child benefited from virtual learning with one-on-one assistance from you. How do you keep an effective remote program going, even as districts shift back to an in-person model?

At MSR Legal, we know the law, and we are creative advocates. Book a virtual consultation at . And, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @MSRLegalConsulting and Twitter @MSRLegalOroma where we’ll be posting the latest developments in education policy.

Happy Friday!


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