What can 'Pendency' do for you?

Have you ever wished that you could ‘stop the clock’ and really relish in a particular experience for just a little while longer? Well, there’s no such thing as ‘stopping the clock’ in special education, however, you might be able to press pause for a period of time on your child’s current educational program.

Perhaps your child is facing a transition from one type of setting to another this fall, but you don’t quite feel like your child is ready. Or maybe you don’t believe the transition is appropriate for your child. There’s a concept in special education law called ‘pendency’. While a parent formally disputes a new program recommendation for his or her child, the child has the right to remain in his or her current setting, or the setting last agreed upon by the parents and school district, or the last placement that was operative at the time the dispute arose, or the last setting approved and ordered in an administrative or judicial proceeding.

If you’re wary about your child’s new educational program recommendation, book a virtual consultation at https://www.msrlegal.org/book-your-consultation to find out what ‘pendency’ can do for you. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @MSRLegalConsulting and Twitter @MSRLegalOroma where we’ll be posting the latest developments in education policy.

Happy Friday!


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