WEEKEND RECAP: Spring Break is Cancelled.

Today, Americans were advised by Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams to brace themselves for the hardest and saddest week of most Americans’ lives. Despite the somber prediction from our nation’s leading scientists, there is evidence and hope that the mitigation techniques of social distancing and mask-wearing are effective.

In a guidance memo dated March 30th, our State’s Education Department essentially cancelled spring break for public school students and teachers. The NYC Department of Education already made its own similar announcement on Friday. According to NYSED’s clarification on the 180-school day requirement, “Districts must continue to provide remote instruction for students, meals for students, and child care for essential workers every weekday between April 1, 2020 and April 14, 2020, even if the district is scheduled to be on spring break during that time.”

Additionally, some suburban districts have announced a conversion from the “1 to 4” grading scale to a Pass/Fail rating for this third quarter marking period.

To discuss how the latest State and federal guidance applies to your child, book a virtual consultation on my website, https://www.msrlegal.org/book-your-consultation.  Continue to follow me on Instagram at @msrlegalconsulting for the latest updates on special needs parenting in the wake of this pandemic.

Be well, and stay safe.


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