Will a Remote Option Impede My Child's In-Person Learning?

There’s no question that school districts should be proactive and prepared to deliver instruction and related services to students faced with mandatory quarantines and those who cannot safely attend school in person as the pandemic surges on. The question lies in how in-person learning will be affected in order to accommodate remote learners. Does it mean that in-person learning will be largely laptop-based and highly dependent on apps, so that students at home can log in at the same time? Would it still be possible for in-person learning to resemble the pre-pandemic days, when teaching took on a more hands-on approach, with the use of a white board and exams on pen and paper? No matter which side you land on in this debate about remote options, it is important to stay on top of what your district’s plans are and the potential impact on your child’s learning opportunities.

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Stay safe, and enjoy the week ahead,


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