Day 34: Can Virtual Babysitting Work for Your Child?

The title of a Washington Post article caught my eye as I scrolled through social media today…Zoom babysitting? Could this be a real thing? Fascinated, I began googling the term ‘virtual babysitting’ and what it does and does not entail. I turned to my six-year-old and asked, “Would you want a virtual babysitter?” My daughter responded, “But — she can’t cook, or make chocolate milk, or do anything!”

The concept is well-intended, and apparently, it’s been around for quite some time. To the extent that it fulfills a need for remote-working & homeschooling parents, that’s great. Every little bit helps. But, like I’ve said in previous blog posts, special needs children usually require individualized and often specialized attention— not only in education but in child care as well.

We’re awaiting a big announcement tomorrow from New York State’s leadership regarding a plan for reopening schools. To discuss how MSR Legal can help your special needs child, book a virtual consultation at Make sure to follow me on Instagram,  @msrlegalconsulting , where I post the unfolding developments in education and special education.

Be well,


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