Day 57: A Splash in the Rain

After consecutive nights spent watching news coverage of civil unrest, it felt great to walk in the rain with my eldest daughter. She completed her math work and even did a little extra on her own. And she waited patiently for me to complete my evening webinar. By the time we got to her favorite part of the day — outdoor recess — it was already after 9:00 pm, dark, and rainy. But a promise is a promise. She did her schoolwork, upholding her side of the bargain. Therefore, she earned her outdoor play time. So I grabbed her hand, and we walked through the rain, darting through sprinklers, and giggling like two schoolgirls. Those few minutes gave us both a chance to enjoy nature and each other’s company. For a moment, we allowed our stress to melt away in the rain.

These tense times impact all of us, including our kids. Children look to us parents to lead by example, to keep our word, to reward genuine effort, and to carve out a little time for laughter. I’m glad I did so today.

Until next time, be well,


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