Day 59: Summer Remote Learning (Accept or Decline?)

For students with 12-month IEPs, the six-week summer portion requires separate consent from the parent.

Since the Governor’s announcement that Extended School Year (“ESY”) services will be delivered over the summer as continued distance learning, parents have struggled with the decision on whether or not to accept it.

  • Is your child currently benefiting from distance learning?

  • Will there be an adult available at home over the summer to facilitate the remote learning?

  • Is there another means available to maintain your child’s skills over the summer?

  • Does your child now need more than what was previously recommended on the IEP for ESY?

Before declining an offer of remote ESY services, book a virtual consultation on my website, https://www.MSRLegal.ORG/Book-Your-Consultation, to explore your full range of options.

Follow @MSRLegalConsulting on Instagram where I highlight the evolving landscape of special education in the wake of Covid-19.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend,


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