20-21 Newly Identified Needs

School districts are supposed to ensure continuity of learning for students with disabilities during periods of Covid-related closures. But what happens when a child’s rate of progress changes, or worse, the child regresses? What if the child simply can’t remain engaged in remote learning or otherwise cannot access it? Maybe the child wasn’t offered any alternative instruction during school closures.

Back in June, the New York State Education Department issued guidance about how to remedy pandemic-related education loss: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/2020-memos/special-education-supplement-2-covid-qa-memo-6-20-2020.pdf. The guidance document specifically discusses Extended School Year services, such as six-week summer programs, compensatory services, and IEP revisions. However, there is so much more to consider when addressing a child’s newly identified special education needs.

To discuss your child’s special education rights, book a virtual consultatior on my website, https://www.MSRLegal.ORG/Book-Your-Consultation. Also, follow @MSRLegalConsulting on Instagram where I post updates on the evolving landscape of special education in the wake of Covid-19.

Have a great weekend,


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