Day 73: Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education

According to the New York State Education Department, Students with Interrupted Formal Education and Students with Inconsistent Formal Education (also known as “SIFE”) include children who have little to no literacy skills in any language. Their needs are indeed complex. Students whose education has been disrupted face isolation and frustration, and are at greater risk of dropping out of school all together. It will take the right type of advocacy to get the child back on track.

Bilingual evaluations, bilingual classrooms, bilingual speech therapy, and bilingual paraprofessionals are just a few of the resources that may be available to SIFE, where appropriate. Remedial tutoring, behavior intervention plans, independent transition plans, and psychological or social work services may also be available.

To learn more about how special education law can assist SIFE, book a virtual consultation on my website: https://www.MSRLegal.ORG/Book-Your-Consultation . Also, follow @MSRLegalConsulting on Instagram where I post about the evolving landscape of special education in the wake of Covid-19.

Be safe, and stay well,


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