Posts tagged continuity of learning
Day 74: The Last Day of School
School is Out, School's Out, Continuity of Learning, Crisis Schooling, remote learning plan, remote learning, Extended School Year, assistive technology, pendency, Compensatory Education, IEPOroma Mpi-Reynolds, Esq.School is Out, School's Out, continuity of learning, Crisis Schooling, remote learning, Remote Learning Plan, Extended School Year, Assistive Technology, pendency, compensatory education, IEP
Day 73: Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education
multilingual learners, world language learners, English Language Learners, Migrants, Immigrants, bilingual education, early literacy, Continuity of Learning, adolescent medicine, social emotional learning, multilingual literacyOroma Mpi-Reynolds, Esq.Multilingual Learners, World Language Learners, English Language Learners, migrants, Immigrants, bilingual education, early literacy, Special Education Rights, continuity of learning, social emotional learning, multilingual literacy